Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home Birth Planning

Having a baby is a joyous occasion for the expectant parents. While many families choose to experience the moment in a hospital setting, more and more people are choosing to opt for a home birth. One reason for making the choice to give birth at home is to avoid any unnecessary medical interventions that have become common in many hospital births. The act of giving birth is a natural occurrence and unless problems arise there is not usually a reason for medical intervention. Others feel that hospital births take away from the joy of the experience, as soon after the birth, the child is taken away from his or her mother for long periods of time.

The Role of the Midwife

While a return to home births has increasingly become the choice of many expectant parents in the United States, in many countries all over the world, hospital births have never been commonplace. In many countries midwives are primarily responsible for delivering babies. A midwife often develops a special connection with the expectant mother, and in addition to her professional expertise, the midwife may offer spiritual support during the process. A well planned home birth with a registered midwife can be a safe option for a low-risk pregnancy.

Giving birth at home isn't for everyone!

A mother must be a good candidate for home birth before she should consider it as an option. High-risk mothers are not idea candidates for home births. Some factors that would place an expectant mother in a high-risk category include:

Mothers with preexisting conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes
Pre or post mature births
Older Mothers
Pre-Detected breech births
No hospital within a reasonably close distance
Women in any of these categories should not opt for a home birth. Therefore good a candidates for a home birth is a low-risk mother who lives in a reasonably short distance from a hospital, in case of complications.

Maria is a writer and womens activist. Her organization Saving Angel helps women detect early signs of pregnancy and assists with the transition into motherhood.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back Pain in Pregnancy

Normal and short-term phenomenon

Early pregnancy back pain is a normal phenomenon in this most beautiful period of a woman's life. Most of the expectant mothers witness some degree of back pain during the early phase of pregnancy and this pain generally subsides after about 20 weeks. Backache or spasm, which is reflected by stretching of muscles or burning pain in the left or the right side of the quadrant, is normally the result of the softening of the supporting ligaments and disks due to an increase in the progesterone hormone during the early stage. In some cases, urinary infection during pregnancy can also result in pain in the back amongst pregnant women. The extra weight of a pregnant women's body and the change in her centre of gravity also result in backaches and pain.

Remedies For Pregnancy Back Pain

The most important and safe remedy for the treatment of early pregnancy back pain is exercising. This is mainly because certain medications for back related pain is contraindicated during early pregnancy. Walking, pelvic rocking, bridging (done by lying down on the floor, bending your knees and lifting your buttocks into air), mini-crunches (done by lying down on the floor), bending your knees and lifting your head on exhalation, are good exercises for relief from pack pain during early pregnancy. Pregnant women do these exercises on their own to relieve back pain.

The right body posture and good body mechanics also play an important role in keeping one free of early pregnancy back pain. The right posture for prevention of back pain is standing straight and tall. However, the importance for correct postures is as essential in early pregnancy as before that. However, in late pregnancy, as the uterus becomes big, one tends to pull back her shoulders to offset the additional weight, which results in a back strain. You can reduce this pain during later stages in such a position by frequently changing your sitting position and avoiding standing for long periods.

Adequate rest and sleep are also essential for avoiding or eliminating early pregnancy back pain. You should take proper rest and avoid strenuous activities to avoid it during your pregnancy. You can also do normal yoga exercises to eliminate minor pain. However, if it persists you should consult your doctor and take proper medication for relief from back pain. In some cases of pain in the back, doctors may prescribe physiotherapy for relief. Massages and use of special mattresses are also effective for back pain relief during pregnancy.
Signs of pregnancy are signal of joy for a couple. Back pain during pregnancy is a most common pregnancy symptom.For more on early symptoms of pregnancy and other pregnancy problems information, visit, Pregnancy Back Pain

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